
thirukkuRungkudi 2

akkum puliyin adaLum uDaiyAr avaroruvar
pakkam nirkaninra paNbaroor pOlum |
takka marattintAzhSinaiyEri tAi vAyil
kokkin piLLai veLLiravuNNum kurunguDiyE || One ||

This tirukkurunguDi is the divya dESa of emberumAn who gracefully shares half of His body with Siva, a tAmasic dEva who wears tiger skin as dress and its bones as ornaments and who prides calling himself an ‘eeSwara’. Here the cranes climb on the lower branches to feed its young ones with fish called veLLiram.

avaroruvar—‘tapasA tOShita; tEna viShNunA praBaviShNunA swapArswE dakShinE samBOi nivAsa; parikalpita;’. ‘valattanan tiripuram erittavan’—tiruvAimozhi.

takka maram—The tree in this divya dESa has the same Seela guNa as emberumAn. It grows low branches in order to enable the boys to climb and play. It also means a tree suitable for the cranes to build nests and feed the young ones with fish.

kokku also means mango tree. ‘ekkaliDu nuN maNal mEl engum kokkin pazham veezh kooDaloorE’ periya tirumozhi.

2. tungArarava tiraivandulava toDukaDaluL
pongAraravil tuyilum punidaroor pOlum |
SengAlannam tihazh taN paNaiyil peDaiyODum
kongAr kamalattalaril SErum kurunguDiyE || Two ||

emberumAn who lies on tiruanandAzhwAn in tiruppArkaDal resides in this divya dESa where there are plenty of cool beautiful ponds with huge fully bloomed lotus flowers which the pair of swan take as their abodes.

pongAr aravu—tiruanandAzhwAn’s body swells out of happiness because He is very close to BagavAn.

He who resides in tiruppArkaDal which is a difficult place to approach even for brahma and others (who dare to speak to Him standing on the shore) stands in tirukkurunguDi for even samsAris to approach Him easily.

3. vAzhakkaNDOm vandukANmin toNDeerhAL
kEzhal SengaN mAmuhilvaNNar maruvumoor |
EzhaiSengAl intuNai nAraikkirai tEDi
koozhaippArvai kArvayal mEyum kurunguDiyE || Three ||

AzhwAr begins the pASura with a happy note ‘vAzhakkaNDOm! toNDeerhAL! vAzhakkaNDOm!’ In the last tirumozhi he was crying ‘ennenjam SOra eerum’ ‘Oriravum urangAdE iruppEn’ ‘pAviyEn Aviyai vATTam Seyyum’ and so on. All his sorrows vanished like dew at sunrise. ‘Oh! BAgavatas!’ you do kainkarya to Him like AzhwAr said ‘ezhivil kAlamellAm vazhuvilA aDimai SeyyavENDum nAm’ (tiruvAimozhi). i have found out a way out of samsAra duhKa. It is to come to kurunguDi where He resides for our sake. It is He who took a mahAvarAha avatAra for our sake. Let us worship Him, sing His pASuras and get mOkSha.

SengaN—He has red eyes because He always thinks over ways of bringing the people well immersed in samsAra sAgara to paramapada. Isn’t it He who pulled out the Boomi immersed in water? Similarly it is He who is capable of bringing out the Baktas from the mire of samsAra. Hence He resides in tirukkurunguDi for ever. (not like varAha perumAn who took avatAra and went back to His abode when the task is over).

4. Siramunaindum aindum SindaSenru arakkan
uramum karamum tuNitta uravOnoor pOlum |
iravum pahalum een tEn murala manrellAm
kuravin poovE tAn maNanArum kurunguDiyE || Four ||

tirukkurunguDi is the divya dESa where resides emberumAn who cut off the heads and hands of rAvaNa, the king of lankApuri and split open the chest. This divya dESa is beautiful with lots of honey laden kurava flowers which the bees seek, drink honey and hum happily sending the fragrance of the flowers everywhere (where they are crushed by the bees).

5. kavvaikaLiTTrumannar mALa kalimAn tEr
aivarkkAi anru amaril uittAn oor pOlum |
mai vaittilangu kaNNAr tangaL mozhiyoppAn
kovvai kanivAi kiLLai pESum kurunguDiyE || Five ||

Sree kriShNa drove the chariot of pancha pANDavas and caused the death of foes who had a huge elephant army that trumpeted loudly causing fear in everyone. He did this for the pANDavas who took refuge in Him. He resides in tirukkurunguDi where there are pet parrots that speak like the dark eyed women who have them.

His Asrita vAtsalya and pakShapAta (to take their side) is revealed not only in the case of pANDavas but also in the fact of leaving His abode to live in tirukkurunguDi for the sake of Baktas.

kovvai kani vAi kiLLai—is interpreted in two ways

1. the parrots having red beaks like the kovvai fruit

2. the parrots with red kovvai fruits in their beaks.

6. teeneer vaNNa mAmalar koNDu viraiyEndi
tooneer paravittozhumin ezhumin toNDeerhAL |
mAneer vaNNan maruviyuraiyumiDam vAnil
kooneer madiyai mADam teeNDum kurunguDiyE || Six ||

Oh! kainkaryaparas! Come to tirukkurunguDi which has tall buildings whose tops touch the bottom of the crescent moon. Here resides emberumAn. Carry in your hands dhoopa, deepa, incense sticks, fragrant, beautiful and colourful flowers, water for arGya, pAdya etc., chant His names, sing His praises, worship Him with love. You shall certainly find fruit of your deeds in no time.

7. valliSirunuNNiDaiyAriDai neer vaikkinra
allal Sindaitavira aDaimin aDiyeerhAL |
Sollil tiruvE anaiyAr kanivAi eyiroppAn
kollai mullai mellarumbeenum kurunguDiyE || Seven ||

Oh! BAgavatas! Go to tirukkurunguDi where emberumAn lives. Do not seek the pleasures of slender waisted women which is meager and short lived. Seek the divya dESa where the mullai creepers in the forests bear buds that look like the teeth of the women who are like mahAlakShmi.

AzhwAr wants us to renounce the pleasures of women and seek the pleasure of the Bakti. But the description of women tempts one to go after them. periyavAchchAn piLLai explains—why should AzhwAr describe them in such a manner that it in fact enhances our desire for them? The explanation is—there are three kinds of poets—one who makes little of very big things; one who says as it is; and the one who magnifies even small things. AzhwAr is a great poet with lots of fertile imagination. He cannot makes things simple. Even though his intention is to ward off men from the carnal pleasure, his poetic nature makes him highlight their beauty. The same explanation is applicable in earlier pASuras like ‘SandEndu men mulaiyAr taDandOL puNarinba veLLattazhundEn’.

8. nArAriNDai nANmalar koNDu namtamarhAL
ArAvanboDu emberumAn oor aDaiminhaL |
tArAvArum vArpunal mEindu vayalvAzhum
koorvAi nArai pEDaiyODADum kurunguDiyE || Eight ||

Oh! BAgavatas! you are like us who wish to do kainkarya to emberumAn. you go to tirukkurunguDi where you shall have His darSan and live happily like the sharp-beaked cranes which live happily with their partners in the wet fields searching food in the ponds that are the abodes of aquatic birds.

9. ninra vinaiyum tuyarum keDa mAmalarEndi
Senru paNimin ezhumin tozhumin toNDeerhAL |
enrum iravum pahalum varivaDiSaipADa
kunrin mullai manriDainArum kurunguDiyE || Nine ||

Oh! BAgavatas! you should go to tirukkurunguDi, a beautiful city full of forests and hills where the mullai flowers grow and spread their aroma everywhere, where bees drink the honey and sing joyfully. When you go, take fresh flowers with you, offer at His feet, get darSarn prostate at His tiruvaDi, do anjali and get the fulfillment of life.

10. SilaiyAl ilangaiSeTTrAn maTTrOr SinavEzham
kolaiyAr kombukoNDAn mEya kurunguDimEl |
kalaiyAr panuval vallAn kaliyan olimAlai
nilaiyAr pADalpADa pAvam nillAvE || Ten ||

tirumangai AzhwAr has made a beautiful garland strewn with words that speak the truth like the vEdas beautified with alankAra etc., They sing the praise of Sree rAma who killed rAvaNa, destroyed the city of lanka, of kriShNa who killed the mad elephant kuvaLayApeeDa of kamsa’s court. He resides in tirukkurunguDi to destroy the enemies of His Baktas.

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