AzhwAr toured the pANDiya tiruppati’s. He could not get BagavadanuBava. Now starting from tiruvallavAzh he moves to malainATTu tirupati. It is called tiruvella in kEraLa. The ladies are not allowed near the sannidhi in this tirupati.
1. tandaitAi makkaLE Suttamenru uTTravar paTTrininra
pandamAr vAzhkkaiyai nondunee pazhiyena karudiyEl |
andamAi AdiyAi AdikkumAdiyAi AyanAya
maindanAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || One ||
Oh! Mind! Know well that He is the sarvavidha bandhu to us. He is the father, mother, children and other blood relative, friend etc. Those you call as your father etc. in this world are ABAsa bandhus (apparent relatives) ‘SElEi kaNNiyarum perum Selvamum nan makkaLum mElA tAi tandaiyum avarE in AvarE’. Do not get trapped in the net of ABAsa bandhus. ‘annai attan en puthirar Boomi vAsavAr kuzhalAL enru mayangi’. If you want to be true to your Atma swaroopa at least chant the name of the divya dESa tiruvallavAzh.
pandamAr vAzhkkaiyai pazhiyena karudiyEl vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE—Anyone who says i have attachment both to my bandhus and BagavAn is like prostrating at His tiruvaDi with slippers on. Therefore renounce the worldly pleasures first and have disgust over the things. Seek Him who is divine Ananda swaroopa. If you fail to do that you will be damned for ever steeped inside the mire of samsAra.
2. minnumAvalliyum vanjiyum venranuNNiDai nuDangum
annamennaDaiyinAr kalaviyai aruvaruttu anjinAyEl |
tunnumAmaNimuDi panjavarkAhi mun tooduSenra
mannanAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Two ||
Oh! Mind! Do not get entangled in the love of women who have slender waists like creepers, vanji and lightning and who have slow and beautiful gait like swans. If you love their embrace and intimacy know that is the gateway for all miseries. Therefore beware of them and keep away. Loathe and fear their association. They are like serpents and don’t like to live with them under one roof.
tannumAmuDi panjavarkkAhi mun toodu Senra—Though the pANDavas lost all theirs including the kingdom they had kriShNa who was ready to help them even taking the role of a messenger. AzhwAr says since kriShNa was with them, it was a decided fact that pANDavas would get the kingdom.
3. pooNulA men mulaippAvaimAr poyyinai meyyidenru
pENuvAr pESumappEchchai nee pizhaiyena karudinAyEl |
neeNilA veNkuDai vANanAr vELviyil maNNiranda
mANiyAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyai maruvunenjE || Three ||
Oh! Mind! Do you consider the men who say the women are nice (not hypocrites) and their words are true (not false) as fools? If so you are right and going in the right path. you better go to the divya dESa tiruvallavAzh where resides emberumAn who begged three feet of land from mahAbali for the sake of indra. Seek His tiruvaDi and worship Him.
4. paNNulA menmozhi pAvaimAr paNaimulaiyaNaidu nAmenru
eNNuvAreNNamadozhittu nee pizhaittu uyyakkarudinAyEl |
viNNuLAr viNNinmeediyanra vEngaDattuLLAr vaLangoL munneer
vaNNanAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Four ||
The foolish men always think of the women and their beautiful forms; want to have their sambandha; embrace them and enjoy their soft breasts.
Oh! Mind! Do not think of these fellows who are nitya samsAris and pApis. Eschew all their thoughts since they lead you to hell and untold miseries here and hereafter. If You want liberation think of Him alone, His beautiful form which the nitya sooris always enjoy in paramapada. It is He who resides in tiruvallavAzh revealing the same divine form to all who worship Him.
5. manju tOi veNkuDai mannarAi vAraNam SoozhavAzhndAr
tunjinAr enbadOr Sollai nee tuyarena karudinAyEl |
nanjutOi kongaimElangaivAivaittu avaL nALaiyuNDa
manjanAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Five ||
Oh! Mind! Certainly you have heard of the great monarch on this earth sitting under tall white royal umbrellas, riding on elephants, surrounded by pomp and glory have died and forgotten. If you realize that the aiSwaryas are only duhKas in another form, you will seek His tiruvaDi who resides in tiruvallavAzh. It is He who sucked the poisoned milk and sweet life of pootana. Seek His tiruvaDi and worship Him.
6. uruvinAr piraviSEr oon podinarambu tOl kurambaiyuLpukku
aruvinOiSeidu ninra aivartAm vAzhvadarku anjinAyEl |
tiruvinAr vEdanAngu aindutee vELviyODu angamArum
maruvinAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Six ||
Oh! Mind! You know very well what this body is, what it is going to be, where it begins and where it ends. Isn’t it made up of flesh blood etc., covered with skin, supported by bones? Who lives there? The five indriyas. They are very demanding and greedy. Each one of them insist on fulfilling its demand. Thus till the body dies they torment and cause pain and disease. If you fear this body go to tiruvallavAzh where live the vaidikas who chant four vEdas, teach six vEdAngas, perform sacrifices and mahA yajnas. There you will find the way to immortality.
7. nOyellAm peidadOr Akkaiyai meyyanakoNDu vALA
pEyar tAm pESumappEchchai nee piLaiyena karudiyEl |
teeyulA vengadir tingaLAi mangul vAnAhininra
mAyanAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Seven ||
Oh! Mind! If you are wise enough not to believe the foolish words of those proud men who consider this body as true which in fact is made out of diseases, then come to tiruvallavAzh where He resides for you. He is the mAya who Himself is all the pancha Bootas and the luminaries like sun and the moon.
8. manjuSEr Akkaiyai eri neer nilam kAlivai mayangi ninra
anjuSErAkkaiyai araNamanrenru uyyakkarudinAyEl |
SanduSEr men mulai pon malar pAvaiyum tAmumnALum
vanduSEr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Eight ||
Oh! Mind! Just think over for a minute about this body which many feel precious and get attached to it. It is nothing but a conglomeration of five Bootas. Hence it is transitory and will disintegrate any time. Don’t think of those fools who talk as if the body is the all and end all. you come to tiruvallavAzh where He resides along with periya pirATTi to shower their grace on you and take you to the highest realm where there is immortality.
9. veLLiyAr piNDiyAr bOdiyAr enrivar Oduhinra
kaLLanool tannaiyum karumam anrenru uyyakkarudinAyEl |
teLLiyAr kaitozhum dEvanAr mAmuneer amudutanda
veLLalAr vallavAzh SollumAvallaiyAi maruvunenjE || Nine ||
In the earlier pASuras AzhwAr has been advising his mind (i.e. us samsAris) that the ABAsa bandhus like parents etc., do not help us in getting mOkSha; the worldly objects are not conducive to Atma swaroopa jnAna; the greatest aiSwarya in this world is mere transitory; this body is highly disgusting etc., etc, In this pASura AzhwAr cautions us against very serious danger i.e. falling in to the trap of the bEda bAhya matas like jaina, boudha, chArvAka etc. They are dangerous because they lead you to a wrong path and take you away from this worldly pleasures and also paramapada mukti.
veLLiyAr—Refers to chArvAka mata. It is a nAstika mata which denies god, and whole sole aim is to enjoy this world even at the expense of others. This philosophy is propounded by SukrAchArya (sukra means Venus i.e. veLLi). (or) it means pAsupata cult. veLLi means kailAsa mountain and veLLiyAr is Siva who resides there.
piNDiyAr—piNDi means aSOka tree. It is said the jaina dEva resides under this tree. ‘poomali aSOhin punai nizhal amarnda’—a jain muni says in nannool.
bOdiyAr—It is said that Buddha dEvata lives under this tree (arasa maram). Hence it refers to boudhas.
Oh! Mind! The philosophers of these bAhya matas are not based of vEdic truths. Hence don’t listen to their teachings go to tiruvallavAzh where there are Baktas who worship only emberumAn. Here He resides for the sake of Baktas. Didn’t He churn the pArkaDal for the sake of indrAdi dEvas?
teLLiyAr—sanakAdi munis, muktas and nitya sooris who have realized emberumAn and who firmly believe He alone is the upAya and upEya, who believe in vEdas and follow the injunctions. ‘kalakkamillA naTTrava munivar karai kaNDOr, tuLakkamillA vAnavar’.
10. maraivalAr kuraivilAr uraiyumoor vallavAzh aDihaL tammai
SiraikulA vaNDarai SOlai Soozh kOlaneeL AlinADan |
karaiyulA vElvallakaliyan vAyoliyivai kaTTruvallAr
iraivarAi irunilam kAvalpooNDu inbanangu eiduvArE || Ten ||
tirumangai AzhwAr, the chief of Ali nADu has sung these beautiful pASuras on emberumAn of tiruvallavAzh where reside brAhmaNas well versed in vEdas and well satisfied of their desires since they worship Him alone. Those who sing and meditate on these pASuras will rule over this vast earth and later live happily among the nitya sooris.
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