Attachment to Krishna Avatar 3 : Enjoying Krishna avatar's simplicity
He says ‘don’t be afraid of Him who has paratva guNas. Don’t think how can we go near Him who has such lofty guNas. (ammAn AzhippirAn avan evviDattAn yAnAr). Come closer to Him thinking of His soulaBya guNas. It is wrong to say ‘how can He liberate us who are bound by samsAra chain when He cannot extricate himself from the tiny cord bound to Him’. These incidents only reveal His pAratantrya to His Baktas.
1. engAnum eedoppadOr mAyam uNDE?
naranAraNanAi ulahattu aranool
SingAmai virittavan emberumAn
aduvanriyum SenjuDarum nilanum |
pongAr kaDalum poruppum neruppum
nerungipuha ponmiDaru attanai pOdu
angArndavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || One ||
AzhwAr begins this pASura with a note of astonishment—engAnum eedoppadOr mAyamuNDE? How wonderful that He reveals both the upper limit of paratva and the lower limit of soulaBya! What a wonderful guNa! What a wonderful Sakti! (What mAya is this!)
nara nArAyaNanAi—paratva is revealed.
AichchiyarAl AppuNDirundavanE—The soulaBya, He took the twin nara and nArAyaNa avatAra to establish the norms of a SiShya and that of a guru is badarikASrama. He did the upaDESa of tirumantra. Thus He preserved the vEdas from getting obsolete. He is my swAmi who swallowed all the worlds; put them in His tiruvayiru and at the end of praLaya manifested them again. Now our kaNNan swallows pot full of butter and curd. When He swallowed the jagat there was no one to scold Him but for swallowing a small pot full of butter the Aichchis make hell of a noise and bind Him with a cord!
2. kunronru mattA aravam aLavi
kuraimAkaDalai kaDaindiTTa orukAl
ninruNDai koNDOTTi van koon nimira
ninaitta perumAn aduvanriyum mun |
nanruNDa tOlSeer maharakkaDalEzh
malaiyEzh ulahEzh ozhiyAmainambi
anruNDavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Two ||
emberumAn is the one who churned the pArkaDal by mandara mountain as the rod and vAsuki as the cord to obtain nectar for the dEvas. Our perumAn is the one who swallowed the seven seas, seven worlds, seven mountains etc., to protect them from praLaya. It is He who straightened the hunch back of His Bakta with a ball fired to the bow. It is again He who is bound by a cord to a mortar by yaSOda for stealing the butter and eating it! It is He who is crying bitterly and pleading guilty!
3. uLaindiTTezhunda madukaiTabarhaL
ulappil valiyAl avarpAl vayiram
viLaindiTTadenreNNi viNNOr parava
avarnALozhitta perumAn munanAL |
vaLaindiTTa villALi valvAL eyiTTru
malaipOl avuNanuDal vaLLuhirAl
aLaindiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Three ||
He is the sarvESwara who killed the mighty asuras madhu and kaiTaba who always fought with the dEvas. He is our emberumAn who killed hirANyAsura who tortured his son prahlAda, BagavAn’s great Bakta. He is the kaNNan who stole the butter and caught by the Aichchis. He is now bound by a cord and beaten by the illiterate women.
4. taLarndiTTu imaiyOr SaraN tAvena tAn
SaraNAi muraNAyavanai uhirAl
piLandiTTu amararkkaruL Seiduhanda
perumAn tirumAl virineerulahai |
vaLarndiTTa tolSeer viral mAvaliyai
maNkoLLa vanjittu orumANkuraLAi
aLandiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Four ||
hiraNyAsura was terrorizing and tormenting Hthe dEvas due to the arrogance after obtaining boons from the gods. The dEvas pleaded to be saved. Accordingly BagavAn took narasimhAvatAra and killed the asura, His nails being the weapon to kill him. When indra prayed to be saved He took vAmanAvatAra and begged three feet of land from mahAbali. Such an emberumAn who measured the worlds as trivikrama cried being bound by a tiny cord by the Aichchis.
5. neeNDAn kuraLAi neDuvAnaLavum
aDiyAr paDum AzhtuyarAyavellAm
teeNDAmai ninaindu imaiyOr ALavum
SelavaittapirAn aduvanriyum mun |
vENDAmai namantamar en tamarai
vinavapperuvAr alarenru ulahEzh
ANDAnavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Five ||
The first half of the pASura is interpreted in different ways –
neDuvAnaLavum kuraLAi neeNDAn—He lifted His tiruvaDi to reach the sky.
neeNDAn kuraLAi imaiyOraLavum Sela vaitta pirAn—He lifted His tiruvaDi to reach even the nityasooris.
aDiyAr paDu Azh tuyarAya vellAm teeNDAmai ninaindu imaiyOraLavum Sela vaitta pirAn—He made a sankalpa that His dAsas should be rid of all pApas and they should become nityasooris (pOyapiLaiyum puhudaruvAn ninranavum teeyinil tooSAhum)
aDiyAr paDum Azhtuyar AyavellAm teeNDAmai ninaindu kuraLAi neeNDAn imaiyOr ALavum SelavaittapirAn—His dAsas were harassed by mahAbali. Hence He took vAmana roopa in order to remove their duhKa and lifted His tiruvaDi to reach even paramapada.
In viShNu purANa yama tells his BaTTas ‘yama: kila tasya karNAmoolE parihara madhusoodana prapannAn praBavaham anya nruNAm na vaiShNavAnAn’ (yama told his BaTTas in their ears ‘do not touch the dAsas of madhusoodana. I am the lord of all except Sree vaiShNavas) . ‘tirambEnmin kaNDeer tiruvaDi tan nAmam marandum purandozhA mAndar irainjiyum SaduvAi pOduminhaL enrAn namanum tan tooduvarai koovi Sevikku’— nAn muhan tiruvandAdi of tirumazhisai AzhwAr.
Today this emberumAn who is feared by yama is bound fearlessly by the Aichchis. What a soulaBya guNa?
6. pazhittiTTa inbappayan paTTraruttu
paNindEttavallAr tuyarAyavellAm
ozhittiTTu Avarai tanakku Akkavalla
perumAn tirumAl aduvanriyum mun |
tezhittiTTu ezhundE edir ninra mannan
SinattOLavai Ayiramum mazhuvAl
azhittiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Six ||
He is the Sriyah pati and my swAmi who removes all the duhKas of His aDiyArs who are excessively devoted to Him alone with out any expectation. He employs them like the nityasooris to do kainkarya. He is the one who cut off the thousand arms of kAryaveeryArjuna who came proudly challenging Him for war. Look! He stands here crying because He was beaten by the Aichchis and bound to a mortar!
There are those who worship Him for the sake of removal of duhKas, to gain money, position etc., to gain kaivalya etc., There are a few who worship Him for the sake of kainkarya. emberumAn takes these prapannas under His protection and takes full care of them. ‘undannODu uTTrOmE AvOm unakkE nAm ATcheivOm maTTrai nam kAmangaL mATTru’— tiruppAvai. prapannas belong to this category.
7. paDaittiTTadu ivvaiyamuyya munanAL
paNindEttavallAr tuyarAyavellAm
tuDaittiTTu avarai tanakkAkkavenna
teLiyAvarakkar tiral pOyaviya |
viDaittiTTu ezhunda kurangaippaDaiyA
vilangal puha pAichchi vimma kaDalai
aDaittiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Seven ||
Look at Him who is crying like a baby bound by a cord because He ate all the butter and curd kept in pots. It is indeed He who created all the jeevas, gave them indriyas to enjoy this world and to worship Him. It is He who removes the duhKas of His dAsas and gives them kainkarya vritti. It is He who kills the rAkShasas who tease the Baktas by going to their places and killing them mercilessly like He did to rAvaNa by going to lanka; building a bridge across the sea with the vAnara sEna.
8. nerittiTTa menkoozhai nannErizhaiyODu
uDanAyavillenna vallEyadanai
iruttiTTu avaL inbam anbODaNaindiTTu
iLangoTTravanAi tuLangAda munneer |
SerittiTTu ilangai malanga arakkan
SezhuneeNmudi tOLoDu tAL tuNiya
aruttiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Eight ||
Sree rAmachandra broke the great bow kept as ‘marriage Sulka’ and married seeta pirATTi. For twelve years He enjoyed as the prince of ayOdhya. Then due to kaikEyi’s plan He had to go to the forest, along with His wife and brother. There He had to lose her, seek the help of the vAnaras build a bridge across the sea, cross over to lanka, fight with rAvaNa, kill him and return back to ayOdhya. He who did such amAnuShya acts, is lying here bound by a cord for having eaten ‘butter!’ nEizhaiyODu uDanAya vil —periyavAchchAn piLLai—uDanAya means one which was with seeta pirATTi. It was there for rAma to come and break; seeta was there for Sree rAma to come and take.
9. SurindiTTa SengEzhuLai pongarimA
tolaiya piriyAdu Senreidi eidAdu
tirindiTTa iDangoNDu aDangAdadanvAi
irukooru Seida perumAn munanAL |
varindiTTa villAl maramEzhumeidu
malaipOl uruvattu Oru irAkkadimokku
arindiTTavan kANmin inru AichchiyarAl
aLaiveNNei uNDu AppuNDirundavanE || Nine ||
An asura kEsi came disguised as a horse having a red hair. He came with great enthusiasm to kill Him. He dodged by trotting here and there and was difficult to catch. But kriShNa caught him and tore his mouth into two. Sree rAma pierced the seven sAla trees in order to infuse confidence in sugreeva about His skill. He cut off the nose of the rAkShasi SoorpaNaka when she came to threaten seeta pirATTi. This emberumAn is crying, beaten by His mother yaSOda for having eaten butter!
The incidents of SoorpaNaka and the piercing of sAla trees are not in the order as it occurred. But as periyavAchchAn piLLai says, AzhwAr enjoys His chEShTitas as he remembers them. Anyway AzhwAr’s idea is not writing the history!
10. ninrAr muhappuchchiridum ninaiyAn
vayiTTrai niraippAn urippAltayirnei
anru Aichchiyar veNNei vizhungi uralODu
AppuNDirunda perumAn aDimEl |
nanrAya tolSeer vayal mangaiyar kOn
kaliyan oliSei tamizhmAlai vallAr
enrAnum eidAr iDar inbam eidi
imaiyOrkkum appAl SelaveiduvArE || Ten ||
This kaNNa pirAn would shamelessly eat all the butter, curd, ghee, milk etc., stored in ‘uri’ as the Aichchis watch. Sometimes He would eat them by staling. Thus He would do mischief which when goes beyond the limit of her patience, she would bind Him to a mortar, beat Him with her hands. He is none other than the paramapadanAtha, the consort of mahAlakShmi, the Lord of nityasooris and the dAsa of His Bakta.
AzhwAr enjoys His soulaBya more than His paratva. Hence he sings the last pASura ending it with ‘anru Aichchiyar veNNei vizhungi uralODu AppuNDirunda perumAn aDimEl’.
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