thirumAlirunjsOlai 2
moovaril mun mudalvan muzhangAr kaDaluLkiDandu
poovalarundi tannuL buvanam paDaittuNDumizhnda |
dEvarhaL nAyahanai tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
kOvalar gOvindanai kooDiyEriDai kooDungolO || One ||
The mother says—this emberumAn who is in tirumAlirumSOlai is the supreme Lord of the three moortis brahma, viShNu and rudra. He is the creator and destroyer. He has first created brahma from His tirunABi to further the creation. He is sarva sulaBa born in the race of Ayars as gOpAla kriShNa. i don’t know whether He will take my daughter (who is beautiful with slender waist) or not.
2. punaivaLar poombozhilAr ponniSoozh aranganaharuL
munaivanai moovulahum paDaitta mudal moortitannai |
SinaivaLar poombozhil Soozh tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
kanaikazhal kANungolO kayalkaNNi emkArihaiyE || Two ||
The mother of parakAla nAyaki continues—will my beautiful daughter (who has fish-like beautiful eyes) see Him who is in Sree rangam (which is surrounded by the river ponni), who is the creator, sustainer and destroyer of all the worlds, who is the chief of the three moortis (brahma, viShNu and rudra), who dwells in tirumAlirumSOlai (which has plenty of flowering trees) and who wears veerakkazal in His tiruvaDi.
3. uNDulahEzhinaiyum orubAlahanAlilaimEl
kaNtuyil koNDuhanda karumANikkamAmalaiyai |
tiNDiral mAkariSEr tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
aNDar tam kOvinai inraNuhumgolO en AyizhaiyE || Three ||
The mother continues—will my daughter who is decked with gold ornaments (in order to go to Him) get Him who is dEvAdi dEva, who is beautiful like a huge black diamond, who has all the worlds in His tiruvayiru and sleeps on a banyan leaf, who is in tirumAlirumSOlai where there are mighty mad elephants roaming in the forests?
4. SingamadAi avuNan tiralAham mun keeNDuhanda
pangayamAmalarkkaN paranai em paramSuDarai |
tingaL nanmAmuhil SEr tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
nangaL pirAnaiyinru naNuhum kol en nannudalE || Four ||
The mother continues—‘Oh! My daughter is very beautiful with charming forehead. i am anxious about her whether she will join Him or not. As for Him He is the supreme Lord, who is sarvaSaktimAn to split open the chest of hiraNyAsura, who is called paranjuDar. He is my swAmi and has beautiful lotus like eyes. He resides in tirumAlirumSOlai where the peaks touch the bottom of the moon and pierce the clouds.
5. dAnavan vELvi tannil taniyE kuraLAi nimirndu
vAnamum maNNahamum aLanda tirivikkiraman |
tEnamar poombozhilSoozh tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
vAnavar kOnaiyinru vaNangittozha vallaLkolO || Five ||
Will my young daughter be able to meet Him and worship Him who went to the yAgaSAla of mahAbali, begged three feet of land as vAmana and measured all the worlds as trivikrama? No doubt He is dEvAdi dEva who resides in tirumAlirumSOlai.
6. nESamilAdavarkkum ninaiyAdavarkkum ariyAn
vAsamalar pozhil Soozh vaDamAmaduraippirandAn |
tESamellAm vaNangum tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
kESavanambi tannai keNDaiyoNkaNNi kANugolO || Six ||
emberumAn, our kESava nambi, is not obtained by those who are not Baktas and by those who never utter His name even to argue against Him and His existence. Born in vaDa madurai He is worshipped by all the people of all the worlds. Will my daughter able to see Him who is in tirumAlirumSOlai?
nEsamilAdavarkkum ninaiyAdavarkkum ariyAn—nEsam means Bakti. It is clear He is obtained by Baktas and not obtained by non-Baktas. If He is not obtained by non-Baktas what about nAstikas? SiSupAla had no Bakti but he had hatred when he scolded kriShNa he has to call several names and scold Him. In that way he remembered Him always. ‘kETpAr Sevi SuDu keezhmai vasavuhaLE vaiyum SETpAl pazham pahaivan SiSupAlan tATpAl aDainda tanmai arivArai arindumE’—tiruvAimozhi’. SiSupAla did not love Him but never stopped from thinking about Him (even with hatred). Hence ‘ninaiyAadavan’ means one who never thinks of Him either in love or in hatred. periyavAchchAn piLLai Sree sookti—‘paraBaktikkum advEShattukkum vAsi vaiyAdu tannai koDuppAn oruvan engai’.
7. puLLinai vAi piLandu porumAkari komboSittu
kaLLachchagaDudaitta karumANikka mAmalaiyai |
teLLaruvikozhikkum tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
vaLLalai vANudalAL vaNangittozha vallaLkolO || Seven ||
He who killed the asura bakAsura, who broke the trunk of huge kuvaLayApeeDa, who killed SakaTAsura resides in tirumAlirumSOlai. He is beautiful like a huge dark diamond mountain. Will my daughter able to see Him and be with Him?
karu mANikka malai—There is no black diamond. The idea is He is brilliant as a diamond, but black in colour and huge like a mountain.
8. pArttanukku anraruLippAradattoru tEr mun ninru
kAttavan tannai viNNOr karumANikka mAmalaiyai |
teerttanai poombozhil Soozh tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
moortiyai kaitozhavum muDiyum kol en moikkuzharkE || Eight ||
He is sarvasulaBa since He drove the chariot of arjuna, His dear friend and Bakta. He is parama pavitra who resides in tirmAlirumSOlai for all to come and see Him. My daughter is equally beautiful as He who is a dark diamond mountain. But will she be able to see Him and do anjali to Him?
9. valamburiyAzhiyanai varaiyAr tiraL tOLan tannai
pulamburi noolavanai pozhilvEngaDavEdiyanai |
SilambiyalAruDaiya tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
nalandihazh nAraNanai naNuhumkol en nannudalE || Nine ||
He is full of kalyANa guNas. He carries SanKa and chakra in His hands to protect His Baktas. If He fails to use His arms He has mountain-like shoulder to protect them. Even if He does not do so, His beautiful yajnOpaveeta attracts His Baktas to Him. He has come to tirumala seeking His Baktas. He resides in tirumAlirumSOlai as if to proclaim His paratva and soulaBya to everyone including gypsies and tribal living in the mountains. He is none other than Sreeman nArAyaNa of Sree vaikuNTha, who is revealed by the vEdas and revealer of vEdas. Will my daughter see Him?—asks the mother.
SilambAru—It is called ‘ noopura gangai’. It is said brahma washed His tiruvaDi which reached brahmalOka in trivikrama avatAra when He measured the worlds and the river ‘noopura gangai’ is the same water.
SilambiyalAru-Some say it is not silambAru, it is silambiyalAru. periyavAchchAn piLLai comments— This river in tiurmAlirumSOlai is sought after by the apsara damsels to take bath. Hence the name silambu means anklets worn by those apsaras.
10. tEdarkariyavanai tirumAlirumSOlai ninra
ADal paravaiyanai aNiyAyizhai kANumenru |
mADakkoDi madiLSoozh mangaiyarkali kanri Sonna
pADal panuval pattum payilvArkkillai pAvangaLE || Ten ||
For the nine pASuras the mother of parakAla nAyaki was anxious about her daughter. She doubted whether she will join emberumAn of tirumAlirumSOlai or not. Now in the tenth pASura AzhwAr says ‘she’ has met Him (since there is no question kANungolO). Those who read these pASuras will get rid of their pApas by the grace of ‘sundarabAhu’.
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